News Archive

Five years after its release, the total number of downloads of the mobile version of Triglav has reached one million. It's not only the power of the game itself that has enabled reach this place. The game's position is very niche, and the playing style has not changed since its initial release. You have probably had the experience of recommending this game to your friends, but no one plays it. Probably your friend couldn't get What is the fun in this game. It happens often.
To broadcast many people to know how to play the game, many players created game guides and database-like websites. These are like travel guidebooks to unknown places. They are still helping many adventurers who entered the towers without knowing what to expect. Very grateful for that.
Another has set up a forum to ask questions, brag the items, and complain against the monkeys. The forum now has over 6,000 players from all over the world and is self-managed by a team of veteran players. The friendly atmosphere that exists throughout this forum is definitely a result of their efforts. Very grateful for that.
The game itself has been influenced a lot by the players too. It's not too much to say that the direction of the game after its release was mostly created by the players. It was interesting to see how the players came up with ideas that the developer had never thought of, even in such a restricted world with few possibilities. At first, I released this game thinking, "Let's entertain the players in this world that I designed with the best of intentions," but now I update the game thinking, "Want to see what the players will create if I throw in such materials."
Just because I am the developer of the game doesn't mean that I understand or can see everything about the game I am creating. At best, I can see only the entrance and the road leading to it. I make games with the expectation and fun that I will dive deeper and deeper into the game and see what happens when find something. In this respect, I think the position of the developer and the players are not really different.
I hope that I can continue to create games that will walk with the players in the future.
Thank you for your playing.
The 21st Anniversary of Triglav!

I believe that a good game is one that allows the players to play in the way they imagine within the limited box. This game, too, is a small world where there is really not much you can do, but we have been updating the game for a long time to achieve that goal.
As those who have been playing for a long time know, I have tweaked the performance of creatures and items over and over again more times than we can count. In a word, this would be "balancing the game," but then what is this "balance"?
For this game, balance means that everyone can enjoy the game to the same depth, whether they are good at the game or not, using completely different ways in a world where the same rules and resources apply.
That is all I want to do.
I want to create a world where there are many "discoveries," such as when something you thought was trash becomes a treasure, or when a single item changes your worldview, or when an unfavorable enemy changes by a situation or a build, or when you thought this was the only way, but now you find something else, etc. I want to create a world where there are many options for it.
Even in a simple game, where you fight enemies, find items, and go up a tower, you can find more "discoveries" than you might think.
Thanks to all the different people who have played this game over the past 21 years.
The 20th Anniversary of Triglav!
Celebrate the 20th anniversary of the birth for Triglav!
We would like you guys to accept 150 Scarab Gems for free as a token of our appreciation.
I plan to closing down the web version of Triglav since IE is about to shutdown.
We had to force run this game on IE, the newest web browser at the time, so it had to be cut out of the elements that normal games would not have to cut out. There are few frames for characters, very small number of item slots, no sound effects, and rough judging of hits, etc.
None of these things were what the developer wanted, and none of them were possible due to the limitations of the platform at the time. Now, however, I think these limitations have become a major feature of the game. It's because the range of expression has narrow so much that it has become easier to create the game with a clearer picture of what can be done. I now believe that limitations are not always a bad thing.
Mobile games, like web games, are also full of limitations.
In the mobile version of Triglav, some elements that were difficult to realize in the web version have been added. There are sound effects and music, various visual effects, and more accurate judging of hits, etc.
However, there are some things that we did not dare to change from the web version. There are very small number of item slots, the risk of losing the character if you die, and the use of all the rough dot pictures as they are.
These elements, especially the small number of item slots and the death loss, made a lot of criticism from new players, especially from the mobile version, but I am still right that we carried them over. If we wouldn't, the game of Triglav would have been lost.
We are grateful that this game has lasted for 20 years. Thank you so much.
Major Update!

Added a new map to the Boundary and lots of new items, creatures and more. In addition, "Trinity" skin is now available! Wanna role the final bosses with this?
Full release note at https://discord.gg/UGUw5UF
19th Anniversary of Triglav

Triglav passed the 19th anniversary!
We would like you guys to accept 150 Scarab Gems for free as a token of our appreciation.
I've posted an article about why I make games on our Blog. Check it out.
Thank you for your playing and continued support!
Thank You 500,000 Downloads!

Triglav for mobile has passed 500,000 downloads total for 2 years.
Well, this number is a little bit special for me. The web version of Triglav went 500,000 downloads by spending 7 years, but we spent only 2 years this time. I'm so happy to the reached point because this game is made by a really small team entirely on our own terms.
We would like you guys to accept 150 Scarab Gems for free as a token of our appreciation.
Thank you for your playing and continued support!
18th Anniversary of Triglav!
Triglav 18th anniversary! Thank you so much for your support.
The above pictures are from prerelease in-game shots, etc. Hope you have fun.
- Version 1.4.447 Full Release Note
- Triglav 18th anniversary event will begin at June 12! It's until 18.
- Added 2 new Artifacts.
- Increased the drop rate for highest tier common gears at several end game levels such as Syen, Lunatic Clesik, Scaraboid, etc.
- The Boundary: Added a quest to install a Spirit Flame on the Nightdreamer zone.
- Fixed a bug that F34 has no darkness.
- The Boundary: Fixed a bug that Carrion Bloom stage has no exit gate.
- Improved the special ability for Arch-Mage's Garb to - 5 sec from - 4 sec.
- Added vitality reduction alert. When your vitality is low, the bar will start to blink.
The Boundary is now live!

The Boundary, a new expansion for Triglav for mobile now available!
The basic rule is endless loops of random creatures and bosses, and defeating the boss increases the difficulty.
The map order will be shuffled whenever you enter. More higher items will be found more easily on more higher maps.
Each enemy grows stronger in tune with each speciality, not in a single uniform way.
An enemy who has big strength will deal more damage, an enemy who is fast will more faster.
iOS (App Store) / Android (Google Play)
- Version 1.4.378 Full Release Note
- Added a new event called The Boundary. There are endless waves of creatures and bosses, and defeating the boss increases the difficulty.
- Added over 30 new items.
- Added two new skins for each class.
- On whole item exchange quests, now target item will be priority used start from bottom-right to top-left on the slot. In addition, the unequipped item will use preferentially.
- Phiremone, a npc who give you a boostup moved his fishing place to F8 from F10.
- Added one more wanted person at F10.
- Fixed a bug that if you killed Ranacula before kill her body #1, cannot get Orochi from the body after that.
- Added a new quest NPC at F38.
- Tarkus Destroyer no longer dropped randomly. You can obtain two of them at F47 if you haven't installed.
- Added a new event which triggered by killing Vampire 4 and you need to one more time to kill him to launch this event.
- You no longer can tap a chest between cast your special attack and hit.
- Improved the part of stats for common tier 2 gloves, boots and any other items. Added a passive skill to Brindle Armor, Dai-Teo-Aduun, Vapor, The Blaze, Evilfang, Sharktooth, Blindside, Tabard, Iron Crogs, Danse Macabre, Bone Helm, Skull Wheel and Cunning Monkey's Hands.
- Added the Special Attack for Moonrider.
- Quietude got Dexterity again.
- Increased the Vitality on Hit for Hands of Glory and Jet-Black Night.
- Added a passive skill and increased the Special Attack for Elven Mantle.
- Added vitality on hit for Haunted Heart.
- Added Strength and changed the passive skill for Round Vision.
- Increased the dexterity for Cloudwalker.
- Added a passive skill and increased the defense for Hydrarisk.
- Changed the passive skill for Stone Cold Crazy and Quadrant.
- Increased the strength and added defense for Unholy Sickle.
- Reworked Sinister Edge.
- Reduced the vitality for Wheel of Fortune.
- Increased the defense for Passion, Grace and Fire and Deep Throat.
- Reduced the game load when a lot of objects present in the screen.
Character Skin Feature

Character skin feature now available!
We redrawn and added more frames all of the existing characters that used by skins, and output them again by full-color.
They also have their own special attack graphics and sound effects.
In addition, the game got a gem system called Scarab Gem. Gem is an in-app currency which like any other games using. The game offers you some Scarab Gems from the start and you can use it to purchases just onetime. We also have a plan to add some events that can be acquired Scarab Gems in the game. Even a player who never pay will be have a chance to adding more extra slots, get a skin, free resurrection, etc. in the future.
iOS (App Store) / Android (Google Play)
- Version 1.3.353 Full Release Note
- Scarab Gem installed. All in-app purchases replace to the Scarab Gems. Purchase the gems at first to acquire some the game service.
- Character skin feature now available. Changes your character's look, sound effects and skill graphic.
- Added a new Artifact to Seirei and Skull Wheels.
- Added a chest that contains Push Button at the 32F.
- Fixed a problem that some new items had wrong IDs and freeze the game when you acquire.
- Fixed a bug that increase attack speed by changing character animation quickly.
- Fixed a bug that 22F NPC was selling Fatty Championship Ticket.
- Added special effects to some weapons.
- Reduced the Damage Reflection and Vitality for Goblin's Teeth.
- Increased the Damage Reflection for Pain Cluster, The Blaze, Tempest, Stone Cold Crazy, The Nightingale, Buckler, Fatmantle, Haunted Heart, Exile, Iron Crogs, Undercurrent .
- Added the passive skill to Buckler, Believer's Shield, Bone Shield and Grace Monkey's Slippers.
- Removed the Vitality from Death and Decay.
- Removed the Dexterity from Cilia of Gold .
- Reduced the Vitality for The Nightingale and Undertow.
- Reduced the Damage Reflection for Bone Harvest except DaggerMaster.
- Reduced the SwordMaster's vitality regen for Bone Harvest.
- Reduced the Damage Reflection for Haku, Jimbaori and Fat Chance.
- Removed the Vitality on Hit and the passive skill from The Tyrant.
- Removed the passive skill and added Vitality on Hit for The Specteror.
- Removed the passive skill from and Spiked Shell.
- Removed the Dexterity and reduced Vitality for The Needler.
Summer Festival

Triglav for mobile launches summer festival called Muggy Festival on August 9th to 18th.
At the 11th floor in the tower, fatmans are doing their own festival.
You can enjoy the shopping to buy several limited foods and items, or challenge their arena championship by purchase the special ticket.
Go to update your game and enjoy the festival!
iOS (App Store) / Android (Google Play)
- Version 1.2.306 Full Release Note
- Muggy Festival will begin on August 9th to 18th. Enjoy the fireworks and shopping!
- Now working on a new floor called The Boundary. Added some hidden items on the several existing floors to open its path.
- Added a new quest at the elven Hollow Village.
- Added two new event cards. 24F doppelgangers and 37F mimics event card has been removed instead.
- Doppelgangers on event card will suit more in tune with the player's level.
- Added some new items for event, etc.
- Fixed a bug that allowing equip other class equipment.
- Fixed a bug that could lock or unlock a puppet after used.
- Fixed a problem that you cannot get a key from 19F boss by Damage Reflection.
- Fixed a bug that elf girl is disappear when unlock the door of her prison at Nightdreamer Cave.
- Carrion Vine's ranged attack, Ogre Mage's ice shards, Warlock's fire storm, and Slimeness's poison gas cannot reflect its damage.
- Orochi turns to Rare from Artifact.
- Changed the Exite's vitality based on XP to vitality based on kills.
- Changed the basic player moving. When tap and holding the screen on a targetable object, player will move to the point. On the old version, player do nothing on the same situation.
17th Anniversary of Triglav

I achieved my long time dream - living by developing game - through Triglav on mobile for the first time ever in my life. Not sure how is it going in the future with it though, have a happy feeling at least right now.
I was really poor and had another job for living, but I could meet to really nice people. The history of Triglav means how met to the people who supported this game and me. Well, this time I would like to write about them.
People who bought our game engine and put it on their websites. A guy who offered me to draw a picture as his donation. A friend who introduced me his wife who is a professional translator. A friend who played too much alpha testing. A Taiwanese Canadian guy who helped to translation my badly English. A French guy who sent me some of Euro bills by real mail as the fee of his storage slots. A German guy who sent me his lots of translated results of the words that written by kanji characters in the game. A Slovenian musician who told about a mountain called Triglav in his country. Eventually he composed a couple of music for our game. Some guys who gave a lot of donation. Some guys who made the game fan sites.
All the people made me a power and a motivation to keep continue.
At the work in progress on the mobile version, I had to put the game description for multiple languages. A French friend told me to join his Triglav Discord channel and you can looking for translators there. It was true, I could get a lot of translations for multiple languages. Some guys retweeted about the game translation and a Polish guy came there to helped the translation. Never knew this game but he's an indie game developer and said I'm happy to helping out the buddy.
As for the Chinese translation, it's a little bit different than others. They have to have all words as Chinese characters and it needs to create a word if it has no example or has an original root from the game. The translator should have whole knowledge and experience about that target for good translation. A Taiwanese guy is doing this hard work even now. He asked which method you prefer to Chinese players on the forum, searched around the source of each word, asked me thousand times for the meaning of words, doing strict and great work. Recently, I'm trying to use more kanji characters instead of katakana when I translate a word to Japanese because of his influence.
August 2018, published Triglav for mobile.
Still had no idea how to tell about this old game to the people. But some internet influencers and game sites announced for this game instead of me. They said it's one of my all time best or I played very well for a long time ago. I noticed now this outdated game turned into a memorable thing on the former players. I felt that they're saying welcome back, Triglav.
On this June 12, Triglav passs the 17th anniversary since launched.
It had many things. Sometimes I felt that I wasted a lot of times to making games, but now I know it can have a lot of friends, supporters, fans, and the people who prefer our games. I can say this was the best thing to got by developing game.
Well, thanks for reading my bad English. I wanted to write this by myself. And thank you so much for all new and former players, once and future.
iOS (App Store) / Android (Google Play)
- Version 1.2.265 Full Release Note
- On June 12, Triglav passes the 17th anniversary! The special event begins from the 12th.
- Increased SwordMaster's special attack damage to 200% from 150%, and DaggerMaster's to 250% from 200%.
- AxeMaster's special attack will never fail even you moved after the fire. However, it means you cannot cancel the special attack after you fired in any manner. Be careful to use.
- Fixed a bug that Sword/Dagger Master's special attack couldn't hit a trap type mimic.
- Fixed a bug that a passive skill which "Reduces the Special Attack cooldown each time kill" didn't work by your special attack.
- Fixed a problem that made a lag when you use weapon throwing passive skill to lots of enemies on a lower spec device.
- Fixed a bug that charge type creature sticks on wall.
- Retweaked the attribute for Warg and Will o' the Wisp.
- Now Eretica's ice storm cannot reflect.
- Added an item exchange NPC at 14F. Will appear by a condition.
- Now it has a message when you first time to reach 50F.
- Added new The Path record for Skull Wheels and Eretica defeated.
- Added three new Artifacts.
- Added a new No Save item which increases Attack Range called Broiled Tentacle.
- Added passive skill for Quadrant.
- Reduced the negative Vitality on Hit for Obsidian Blade.
- Increased the Vitality on Hit for Suzumasa.
- Changed the attributes a bit for Wheel of Fortune.
- Removed special attack delay from Caterpillar.
- Reworked items below for special attack: Siren Song, Sightblinder, Mal' Nar, Soulsyphon, Dual Bias, Dai-Teo-Aduun, Witchcraft, The Mistress, Hyperventilate, Undertow, Silver Edge of Dhampir, Kunn'taka, Red Riding Hood, The Beast
- Fixed a bug that Short Tale of a Great Magus had no picture.
- Fixed a bug that Battleplate of Ved'miak didn't drop.
- Increased the size of scrollbar.
- Added a button to jump to Discord on the title screen.
- Greatly reduced the pack size for iOS version.
New Bosses!

A new update for mobile version with new bosses, items and a lot of changes!
iOS (App Store) / Android (Google Play)
- Version 1.2.243 Full Release Note
- Fixed a critical bug that special attack for Sword/Dagger Master was dealing double damage at a part of area.
- Removed the toggle feature for healing orb UI. Prevents interrupt an auto healing when tap the orb.
- SwordMaster: removed the toggle feature on special attack orb.
- AxeMaster: allows to use special attack as normal attack when on No Delay.
- Fixed a problem that restore vitality passive skills didn't work against a part of ranged attack.
- Throwing weapon passive skills now affect with your special attack.
- Moved the fixed Banana on 8F to 6F.
- Improved the 11F boss. The golem will spawn his drones.
- Added a push button installer at 12F Harvest floor to summon a new extra boss.
- 14F Event Card: Fixed a problem that the Nightmare Key disappears if you have the key when you quit from the event floor to 14F. Similar problem at 12F and Grasslands #2 is also fixed.
- 14F Event Card: Fixed a bug that a creature spawned from coffin dropped a chest.
- Added a hidden boss in the Nightmare room at 14F.
- Now Crimson Key can be deposited to storage. Removed one Crimson Key in the game to line with the number of the doors between 31 to 39 F. Changed the place of a chest which have a Crimson Key on 37F.
- Changed the type of lightning traps on 32F and 33F. Now you can go through them without a puppet.
- Added a NPC to exchange Vampiric Blood on 38F Miyako.
- Doppelgangers on event card reworked.
- Mimic sometimes spawn a rare mimic who has a higher chance to drop rare items.
- Greatly increased the XP for mimic.
- Fixed a bug that some creatures stuck to the wall sometimes. Let me know if you still found it.
- Added 3 new Artifacts.
- Changed the Attack Range to Based on XP from Based on Kills for Hauberk.
- Changed the Defense to Based on XP for Magusform and Neuroi's Wisdom.
- Changed the Special Attack to Based on XP from Based on Kills for Songmaster.
- Increased the SwordMaster's damage for Indrik and Dr. Malice.
- Added a passive skill to Kunn'taka, Sinister Edge, Mal' Nar and Bone Harvest.
- Changed the passive skill for The Specter.
- Improved the attribute for Sword and Dagger Master on Hyperventilate.
- The Poetic Fiend's vitality on hit is now 3% for each class. Increased attack speed for SwordMaster to -2.
- Increased the passive skill value for Nightmare.
- Changed the attributes for some joke items.
- Added a new no-save item called Jelly Beans. It will increase gain XP from creatures.
- Added gain XP attribute to every Splendid gears.
- Improved the graphic draw performance for lower spec device.
- It supports 64-bit devices.
Auto Backup Feature
Auto Backup will be running immediately when you bought an in-app purchase.
Increased the frequency of auto-save and fixed some problems.
If you're using this feature, please check again your ID is fine or not around 3 days after installing this update.
If could see your email address and the backup ID both, it will be fine.
If the email or the backup ID is empty, please create again.
We're sorry to put a couple of players to the trouble for the lack of this feature.
iOS (App Store) / Android (Google Play)
- Version 1.2.225/6 Full Release Note
- Fixed some problems for Auto Backup.
- You can get your Cook Book (a quest item) back even you sold or deleted it on the quest.
- Fixed a bug that disappear all chests after cleared the event card on the Underworld #8.
- Fixed a bug that mimic event card on the 6th floor didn't display the floor number.
- Fixed a bug that the 12F Harvest won't spawn Fatman Ultra and Kwaisei.
- Fixed and improved some Chinese words and description. Thank you @HSC#0620 for the work.
- Tweaked some items that have passive skills.
- Fixed a bug that odd symbol appears when you have no lantern on 34F on iOS version.
New feature: Item Passive Skill

The Mobile version reached 150,000 downloads worldwide!
Thank you for your support! Never thought such a result before releasing.
Well to the next, we'll challenge to reach over 500,000 downloads, which is the web version went over a period of 7 years.
New feature: Item passive skill now available. Create new builds with them!
The skill will be used automatically when equip the item. The exist items that added this feature might have been changed the attributes.
Still testing and will come to more.
iOS (App Store) / Android (Google Play)
- Version 1.2.222 Full Release Note
- New feature: Item passive skill now available.
- 本遊戲即刻支援全中文介面! Added Chinese floor, creature and item names. In addition, fixed the font face for Chinese characters to unity among the layout. Let me know if you found an unfit word.
- Increased the item storage space to maximum 300.
- Item Lock feature now also prevent to sell or delete that item.
- Added the Close button on Storage window.
- The difficulties and the rewards of Doppelganger and Slime event cards will be changed depend on what floor you've reached.
- Removed a lightning trap that appear after defeating the 49th bosses.
- Removed the Vitality regen from Scarab Queen.
- The game will be saved when you exchange Vampir Head at the Grasslands.
- Changed the affix names from Porenut to Ipabog and Yarovit to Morskoi because of they were different names of the same gods.
- Increased the duration time of Time is Money puppet.
- Witchstalker's Attack Range changed to Based on XP.
- Fixed a bug that already applied backup ID disappeared in the Auto Backup screen.
- Fixed a bug that the game pause is cancel when you read over the Quick Manual in option menu.
- Fixed a bug that cannot quit the game when you are opening Player Stats page.
The Scaraboid: New Expansion Level

This update only for the mobile version.
Long ago, aberrant invaders known as Scarabs were sealed away in a secret chamber of the tower by six great magi. The seal, which was meant to be guarded by ogres, has weakened over the ages. Eventually, some of the Scarabs managed to escape their confinement, taking advantage of adventurers who had ventured into the tower. Using their power, they revived the guardian talisman and shattered the seal. Now, the Scarabs are biding their time, eagerly waiting for the opportunity to resurrect their powerful queen within the tower...
By using a Scarab Talisman where can earn from the Event Card, etc, can challenge against 6 different waves of sealed scarab invaders.
Can you beat the final boss who is the most toughest enemy in the game?
The Scaraboid is for veteran players who already reached the top of the tower and this is the most hardest challenge in the game.
You have to research the enemies and decide your strategies and tactics against them.
New items which they bring will be helping you to beat them more effectively.
iOS (App Store) / Android (Google Play)
- The event will be for a veteran player who already reached the top of the tower.
- By using a Scarab Talisman where can earn from the Event Card, etc, can challenge against 6 different waves of sealed scarab invaders.
- A lot of new creatures with new strategies and a lot of new items.
- This is not a limited event, but a permanent installation.
- Version 1.2.188 Full Release Note
- The Scaraboid, a new expansion floor releasing!
- Added a new in-app purchase that reset the boost ups. To access, long tap on a character on title screen. Available only for the player who already got a Choose-1 boost up at least.
- Added one more way to access to the secret room on the 23rd floor even after reached the 27th floor.
- Added quest NPCs on the 27th floor to reset your progression of the Scaraboid. It's for the player who wants to do it from the start again by paying cost. Not usually use.
- Inferno will be spawned sometimes on the 28th floor even after you reached to the 50th floor.
- Fixed a bug that a part of creatures on the 42nd floor didn't drop a chest. Changed specific puppets on the 42nd floor.
- It has been changed to Push Button from Switch Lever to open the door at the Grasslands #2.
- Reduced the price of Push Button.
- Added a new event "Tarkus Train" and a more higher Doppelganger event on Event Card.
- Fixed the bug that Deathbringer and Wild Flower's Special Attack Based on Kills didn't work correctly.
- Increased the Damages for Eye of the Beholder and Ol'guul's Evil Eye.
- Removed the Strength Based on Kills for The Return of Syen, added the maximum value of Strength Based on Kills as Strength value instead.
- Increased the Defense to 4 from 3 for Brave Monkey's Circlet.
- Increased the Defense to 4 from 2 for Cunning Monkey's Hands.
- Increased the Walk Speed to 5 from 4 and Vitality to 25 from 20 for Grace Monkey's Slippers.
- Reworked around Puppets. Reduced the price for the lower. Now Strength and Vitality on Hit has different value for each class.
- The Path now available for Chinese, French, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, and German.
Year-end and New Year Holidays!

This update only for the mobile version.
Limited seasonal event for Triglav mobile launch! Until the year-end and new year. Go update now!
iOS (App Store) / Android (Google Play)
- The event will be playable for broad range of players. You can find a gift box at every places. Goblin children on the 10th floor are waiting for the gift. Bring the gift to them.
- A lot of limited items from these events. You also can see celebration for this year-end and new year holidays around the tower.
- Common cards on the event cards will not be drawn during doing the seasonal event.

Triglav for mobile has passed 100,000 downloads.
Never thought this old niche game helps us to keep staying alive even after 16 years.
I spent a lot of time on this game and always felt that I couldn't get the proper result against it for a long time.
But now I'm glad that I made this from the heart now. This result makes me feel salvation.
Thank you.
Triglav Soundtracks
Triglav Soundtracks now available!
The composer Jacob Lake has a huge talent, and the most oldest composer for SmokymonkeyS games and he composed several music for Ninelives, etc.
On the game, we should cutout the music length or the quality to decreases the pack size, but you can listen full version music there.
In addition, you can purchase Triglav Soundtracks that have original quality and length on his Bandcamp if you like the album or a song.
Version 1.1.164/5
This update only for the mobile version.
New year event will come on the next update.
One of the concept of this update is reworking Damage Reflection gears, and adding new concept DR gears. We designed the DR gears mainly for low-killing build until now, but after reaching the 50th floor, the build could not find an advantage than any other builds. So we designed or reworked DR gears that can be used for more dedicated to DR play. In addition, now Damage Reflection can be effected to EVERY enemies.
Note the new or updated items might be reworked again in the future. We want to design more better gears. Thank you.
iOS (App Store) / Android (Google Play)
- German language now available.
- Storage window got a slide menu. Added more purchase-able storage slots. Now you can have maximum 200 slots.
- Added more purchase-able character slots. Now you can have maximum 6 characters.
- Bad new for a low-killing player. Damage Reflection can be effected to every enemies. On desk theory, could reach to the 50th floor by zero killing now.
- Changed some enemy caster's damage to real number from relative number.
- Increased draw rate for more higher level Event Cards.
- Added a visual effect when you equipped a specific item. Still testing.
- Added 2 new rare and 5 artifact items. Note these items might be changed near future.
- Reworked for Brindle Armor, The Sila Shroud, Lifeblood, Stribog's Wheel, Ki-4 Balefire, The Blaze, Osmosis, Dark Side of the Moon, Dual Bias, The Ashlander, Jimbaori, Mal' Nar, Measure for Measure, Cilia of Gold, Ranancula's Lament, Fatmantle, Flamespire, The Specter, Ol'guul's Evil Eye, Goldfinger.
- Reduced Hyperon's minimum damage to 50 from 60 for Axemaster.
- Reduced the amount of Based on XP for Special Attack for Trinity.
- Reduced Damage Reflection value of Trinity (yellow) to 100% from 150%.
- Braaw Seeds now increases different value of strength for each class. Increased Vitality value for Mituyubi Tree Fruit.
Seasonal Event Launch!

This update only for the mobile version.
Limited seasonal event for Triglav mobile has been launched! Until the end of October. Go update now!
iOS (App Store) / Android (Google Play)
- The event will be playable for broad range of players. The event difficulty will be scaling by your character.
- Limited treats and gears from limited pumpkin creatures.
- You can try it only one time by a day per a character during the event length.
- Common cards on the event cards will not be drawn during doing the seasonal event.
New Feature: Event Cards

This update only for the mobile version.
There is the description of Event Cards which the game brought by the latest update.
- A card will be diaplayed if available to use when you enter the world. The expire date is about one day and it keeps until you start.
- You can do the event per your character. The frequency of card displaying will depends on which floor you reached.
- Basically, the event will begin when you entered the floor where written by the card.
- You can do the event only one time. When you've began the event, it will disappear when you quit the game, when move the floor, or leave from the event vendor after bought one or more items, etc. even the event schedule is remain.
- Each event might have each minor rule. Don't worry, you can learn it by your experience or to disscuss with other players.
- You can turn on or off the notification for the latest event on the option panel.
- More new events will add in the future!
- Any other updates below
- Added expandable one more Character Slots. You can have 4 characters now.
- Added 3 kind of splendid items. You can get it from random drop. In addition, the exchange of splendid item rule is now more strict. You never get any other type of items on it.
- Added some new items that inclrde puppets.
- Added -5 Walk Speed to Ring of Io.
- Added a potion trader on the 20th floor. Exchange 3 Potions to 1 Greater Potion.
- To long tap a puppet, you can see the attribute even while in use.
- Fixed a problem that AxeMaster's Special Attack didn't hit when you moved after the attack.
- Fixed a bug that grave mourner at the Grasslands takes all Vampir Heads.
- Fixed a bug that the item viewer remains unless a chest exist.
- Translated the player and item attributes and the tutorial for supported languages. Rewrote Russian language.
- Increased the quarity of every characters for iOS.
Game Version 1.22
Updated around rare items mainly from balancing the mobile version.
On the mobile version, the 40th floor and Soul Flame quest has been changed from the original, but we don't have a plan to bring it here so far.
Notice you should use Compatibility View or setting a F12 Developer Tools to play the game on IE 11.
Learn more about how to play this game on your IE 11, go to see System Requirements.
- Update
- Added Warp Pads on the 17th floor, prevent for solving the puzzle by the 18th floor side.
- The vendors on 29th floor will disappear when you have the number disc of the puzzle.
- Increased some attributes of class sorted items for AxeMaster. Now available to build more faster attacking or more leeching, etc.
- Reduced the Based on values of all Trinity rings. Inceased the attributes for yellow Trinity.
- Increased the Damage Reflection of Bone Armor to 77% from 66%.
- Reduced the Witchstalker's Dexterity to -15 from -25 and Special Attack to 3 sec from 4 sec.
- Spiked Carapace now has -2 sec Special Attack attributes.
- Silver Edge of Dhampir now has -4 sec Special Attack attributes.
- Reduces the Defense Based on Kills value of Sightblinder to -4 from -2.
- Siren Song now has -3 sec Special Attack attributes.
- The Mask Eretica now has +7 Defense for all classes.
Triglav Mobile Alpha Testing

Join the alpha testing for Triglav mobile version!
The alpha testing and the reporting will do on the Discord group.
You can make your Discord account via this like or to click the banner top right of this website. The Android app is here.
We, SmokymonkeyS is not own Triglav group on Discord, the owner is Jacques-Olivier Farcy from France. We will be able to do this testing by his strong support this time. Thank you, Jakatak.
- Length
- Around 2 weeks from today. We will add testers by stages.
- Requirements
- Have a Android smartphone or tablet. Using Google Mail (Gmail) as account on your Android. The Android OS version is 4.2 or higher. 120MB spare spaces.
- Can make an account on Discord and access #mobile-version channel.
- Can receive direct message via Discord from SmokymonnkeyS, the game developper. On the Discord, you can find a game controller icon at the top left of the screen (left-sliding menu on the smartphone). To click or tap this icon, you can read or send direct message to specific people. If you become a tester, you will receive a message form SmokymonnkeyS that attaching tester code.
- How to Join
- Go to #mobile-version channel on Discord and leave answers below;
1) Your Android model and OS version.
2) Triglav playing experience, chracter name, maximum reached floor if you've played.
3) Which class do you want to play on the testing. - If you become a tester, you will receive a direct message form SmokymonnkeyS via Discord. Then you reply the message to tell us your Gmail as account that you are using on your Android. Only that Gmail will be available to download the alpha apprication via GooglePlay.
- You can play or update the alpha version as same as other applications you owned via Google Play. You can switch to the public version of the app if that's available. However, you will not able to bring your game data include characters to the public version from the alpha.
- Go to #mobile-version channel on Discord and leave answers below;
16th Anniversary of TRIGLAV!

Triglav made the 16th Anniversary since the launching!
This year, the game had big move. We started to develop the mobile version from the end of last year and it has a plan to do the closed test soon. The mobile version makes me think what can I do for this game right now.
Keep watching this year's Triglav!
- Update
- Added sign boards to know where are you now for Underworld, Grasslands, and Nightdreamer.
- Changed a place of a NPC who sells Demon Eyes to the 29th floor from the 26th floor. He will back to the 26th floor after you bought Demon Eyes.
- At the 38th floor Miyako, changed a place of a NPC who makes Green Lantern. Edited the map for Que the Mistress. Now you can see her sometimes.
- Now the creature XPs on th 42th floor Across the Mirror has their half of original XP.
- Changed the Damage of Bearded Axe from + 3 ~ 19 to + 8 ~ 15.
- Changed the Defense of Wavy Shield from + 4 to + 6, Damage from + 7 ~ 10 to + 7 ~ 8, Damage Reflection from 20% to 30%.
- Changed the Defense of Cuir-Bouilli from +12 to +15, Defense of Plate Armor from +17 to +18, Defense of Spiked Armor from +14 to +16, Defense of Battleplate from +20 to +22, Defense of Cuirass from +16 to +19. In addition, changed the rare items which based from these gears. This update purpuse is mainly improving common items rather than rares.
- Increased the Defense of Seven Seas of Rhye from +2 to +4.
- Increased the Defense of Brave Monkey's Circlet from +2 to +3.
- Increased the Damage Reflection of Dual Bias from 75% to 95%.
- Added the +8 Dexterity to Cloudwalker.
- Changed the pictures of some sign boards to more intuitive.
Game Version 1.20
This update is focused on the game playability mainly. If you already have a character, you need to clear your browser cache before you play. Go to see the How to Clear Browser Cache section in System Requirements.
Notice you should use Compatibility View or setting a F12 Developer Tools to play the game on IE 11.
Learn more about how to play this game on your IE 11, go to see System Requirements.
- Update:
- Reworked the 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 21th floors.
- Added a new boss at the 3rd, 12th, and the Underworld floors. In addition, the bosses concerned in the Miyako Arena has been changed.
- Added a slime boss at the Grasslands and the Nightdreamer.
- The monkey who lives the 10th floor has moved his position to near Famtman Blacksmith.
- Now you can through the 17th floor without solving the puzzle. Instead, you can get an Elixer as the reward to solve it. This update will also be applied to the existing players. Go clear the puzzle for the reward!
- Changed the number of door on the 18th floor. Now you can open one door by one key.
- Added a warp pad top-left of the 23th floor.
- Reworked the part of 24th floor. Removed the scroll that shown mimic boms and a floor key.
- Reduced the time to the bridge disappears at the 26th floor. In addition, added two gates and it will be opened after you went through this floor and you can short cut to through them.
- Removed all hole traps on the 27th floor. Now you can go the places where you went from them from the 23th and 26th floors.
- Changed the place of the quest item (book) that gettable after you ignited all Soul Flames on the 27th floor called Epitaph. Now you can take the book without moving between floors.
- Changed a way to get a Crimson Key on the 33th and 36th floor.
- Quest NPC Que is always spawn without time elapsed on the 38th floor. But she changed her favorite place.
- Allows you to sell back the ticket at half the price when you have done Miyako Arena without using the ticket.
- Changed the quest item that Uruka, the Queen of Nightbreed is looking for.
- Removed the Switch Lever to summon boss of the 39th floor. Instead, he will appear when you destroyed a stone pillar.
- A vendor who sold Switch Lever and Teleport Pad on the 39th floor has been moved to the 34th floor. Now he always sells them without condition.
- Added two stationary places to earn Soul Flames. Now you can earn all Soul Flames from the stationary places. In addition, reduced the drop rating for Soul Flames at any floors. However, you still can find it by randomly dropping.
- Reworked the part of 41th floor. Added a NPC who sells Switch Lever and Warp Pad, instead of SRC member NPC.
- Increased treasure chest spawing rate on the 42th floor Outbreak area. Now the chest will spawn per clearing a wave.
- Now requires a Warp Pad if you want to jump into a shop at the 44th floor.
- Completely redesigned the 46th floor. Reset the clear flag for this floor for any players, so you should open the door again to the 47th floor even you've reached more than this floor.
- Reworked the warp pad arraying on the 47th floor.
- Reworked the Return of Syen quest at the another 47th floor. No longer collecting Syen affix items anymore, instead, four Fragments of Syen will bring you an arena that can be battling against Syen every time. You can find the Fragment of Syen from any higher floors ar random.
- Reduced the corridor length a little bit for the 48th floor.
- Remade the creature who appear on the 50th floor when you have your Master's Puppet.
- Skinner's Hammer that a skinner in Elven Village at the Grasslands is looking for, will be found nearby a specific boss creature in the Grasslands.
- Changed the Experience stat name to XP.
- Changed the Special Ability Delay stat name to Special Attack.
- Now Artifact items got their specific color. Removed crown icon from them instead.
- Reduced the Walk Speed reduction value for Plate Mail, Plate Armor, Spiked Armor, and Battleplate.
- Added Damage Reflection effect to Goblin's Teeth puppet.
- Improved attributes for Seryi Volk, Seven Seas of Rhye, Passion, Grace and Fire, Inferno Stone, Stone Cold Crazy, Crimson Shell, Songmaster, The Prompter、Osmosis、Robe of Strength, Arch-Mage's Garb, Cloudwalker.
- Changed the stats boost item name to Hydrabrew from Poriferaquilizar.
- Changed a rare puppet item name to Outreach from Ray of Hand.
- Changed the creature name to Assassin from Dark Elf, and to Orc Mauler from Fel Chaos Orc.
- Increased the chance to spawn Kaisei and increased the spawing floors.
- Increased regenerate speed of the Healer.
- Now allows to resizing the game window. To click zoom button bottom right of the game window and resizing the game window, you can play the game more bigger.
- Increased regenerate speed of the Healer.
- For expert players, added a setting manual for F12 Developer Tools on System Requirements page.
Triglav for Smartphone

Triglav for smartphone fritst look!
You will be able to play it by an about half a year on Android, next then we have a plan to release for iPhone.
That's why recently we keep updated only lower floors or game basic instead of making new floors, to bring this game to more sofisticated with the current era. Such like updating will keep going.
We know how difference between web browser and smartphone and making it more suitable for the device without losing the fun factors.
We really hope we could bring the current balance and playability of the game to the smartphone.
That's because this is the most important resources that we've made with you guys especially with a lot of Spanish speakers!
we're happy if you would welcome this newborn Triglav.
Game Version 1.18
Notice you should use Compatibility View to play the game on IE 11. Learn more about how to play this game on your IE 11, go to see the Web Browser section in System Requirements. If you already have a character, you need to clear your browser cache before you play. Go to see the How to Clear Browser Cache section in System Requirements.
- Update:
- Changed the reward for Bone Collector at the 25th floor. Now he give you a new Artifact instead of Death and Decay.
- Re-designed a couple of quests that you cannot clear when you reached more higher floor. Now all quests in the game can be cleared anytime.
- Improved the goblin quest at the 22th floor. In addition, you can get the reward when cleared.
- Changed the creature again who has the key for the 28th floor to Bisco (boss goblin) from a Majunun.
- Changed some floor names. Changed some common armor names.
- Changed each game mode name to Arcade / Standard from Arcade Mode / Career Mode.
Extra Storage Slots Service

Extra Storage Slots Service is now available to using submit form. The form will tell you if your character name is right or wrong or how many slots you already have. In the same time, this mean now we can know who purchansed this service exactly. You don't need send mail to us for show your character name anymore.
Game Version 1.17
Notice you should use Compatibility View to play the game on IE 11. If you already have a character, you need to clear your browser cache before you play. Go to see the How to Clear Browser Cache section in System Requirements.
- Update:
- Added 8 new rare items.
- Reduced the requirement values for Based on Exp and Based on Kills from almost items.
- To improve item usability, changed a part of stats for Sightblinder, Grimreaper, Kudlak's Tongue, Sharktooth, Left Hander, Cleaver, Blood Claw, Mu Soh Sai, Quietude, Indrik, Triumph, Hoshi-Kage, Rush, Round Vision, Hands of Glory, Will o' the Wisp, Martial Monkey's Blade, Grace Monkey's Slippers, Silver Edge of Dhampir, The Avenger, Flamespire, Bone Armor, Ghoulishness, Bone Shield, Zu-Mo-Aduun, and Nether Grips. Almost changed to another attributes for Hallowed Guardian and Neuroi's Wisdom. Changed the name of Psychic Warrior to Witchcraft.
- Added Vitality to Simargl affix. Removed Vitality from and added Dexterity to Ved'ma affix.
- Hit Absorbs Vitality and Hit Drains Vitality is rewritten to Vitality on Hit. The red value means you lose Vitality when you hit.
- Added or changed some creatures on several maps.
- All sign board and scroll graphics were redrawn.
- Defender Puppet is now available to find on very lower floors.
- Added an alternate way to get the key for the 23th floor.
- Added a new NPC who exchanges items at the 25th floor.
- Changed a part of key creatures who brings the next phase on Miyako Area at the 38th floor has been changed to another ones.
- Changed or fixed any other problems, etc.
- Added extra storage button on in-game Storage window. Buy a storage as our support!
Game Version 1.16
We decided updating the game more fit for Internet Explorer 11 as we can do, because only IE 11 is the browser that can be played this game in the now.
Notice you should use Compatibility View to play the game on IE 11.
Learn more about how to play this game on your IE 11, go to see the Web Browser section in System Requirements.
- Update:
- Player's Special Ability now available to display on IE 11.
- Some enemy hit effects such as Rage for Fel Chaos Orc or Blast for Red Knight, etc. will be displayed correctly on IE 11.
- All floor maps has been re-outputted by more better quality. In addition, now highlighting the important point for quest on the map.
- Reduced the trap damages that dealing huge damage for the places where the player must visit there on the quest. For instance, on the floor 32 or 33, now you can run through the lightning traps by using only one faster movement speed or boost Vitality puppet.
- Now your character who hasn't played on Standard will be keeped 180 days (six month) on the game server.
- If you already have a character, you need to clear your browser cache before you play. Go to see the How to Clear Browser Cache section in System Requirements.
- Some enemy hit effects such as Rage for Fel Chaos Orc or Blast for Red Knight, etc. will be displayed correctly on IE 11.
More Extra Storage Slots

Increased the maximum capacity of Extra Storage Slots to +40 from +20. Now you can use storage for maximum 50 slots totally. Note that when even you lost the character who receiving this service, you will lose all of your storage slots of the character. Learn more about it, go to read Item Storage section before you use this service.
Quit Update
We quit any update for Triglav to moving focus our new game Ninelives. This mean we're still going to keep the game server and the maintenance, but we never do any updates within the game.
Ninelives is more older project than Triglav for us and Triglav was a part of the world of Ninelives. The world was too much big to make a browser game that we planned so we brought one of the piece of the lore. Right now Ninelives has been changed a lot from the beginning, but it still has a same essence with Triglav.
We never forget that we wanted to create a game for players' fun. That's because once we made this small game and got huge XP from there. If we wouldn't have it, we couldn't keep going.
Really thank you for all players for supporting this game and us!
13th Anniversary of TRIGLAV!

TRIGLAV marked the 13th anniversary today!
This is a miracle to keep the game playable for such a long time.
I heard new Windows will come within this year and it still has IE (and a new browser).
Well, possibly this old game still can be walking with the latest Windows.
- Limited Event:
- Bananas and any Splendid Gears will half-price sale during the end of this month.
Happy Holidays!
February 12 - February 28
- Limited Event:
- Monkeys in the tower seems want to eat something sweets. You have a chance to get a special item from them while this event. In addition, a stranger is coming to stay at Gilbeez's house in the Grasslands.
Happy Holidays!
Have a nice holiday and a good new year!
- Limited Event:
- The game is getting little updates for seasonal events that start from the end of this year. Hanging around the Evlen Village at the grasslands or any other floors to find something...strange. Have a good new year's holiday anyway!
Happy Holidays!
Limited Event has began. It will stay untill the end of this month. Wipe out your browser cache before you play just one time.
- Limited Event:
- Jack the Pumpkin returns! He is coming back again for his revenge every year. Sometimes you can hear his howl from the Underworlds where is a basement area of the tower. Monkeys in the tower seems want to eat something sweet, and a stranger is coming to stay in Gilbeez's house at the Grasslands.
Restart the Game
About the game server problem, we tried hard to salvage it, we couldn't get back any save data from it that include backup data.
We decided to restart the game with a safty backup data of 4 month ago.
If you bought Expand Storage slots after June 2014, mail us to bank@smokymonkeys.com
with your character name and same mail address you sent the order before. We will add same slots to your current or new character.
We apologize again for this data lost. Thank you.
Game Save Data Problem
The game server downed at September 30, and we lost all character save data and the backup data.
We sincere apologies for it to all players.
Currently we are checking it can be possible to resume or salvage, but the situation is not so good and we don't know when the game can restart.
If we cannot resume the data, we have a plan to restart the game with our old backup data that's around a few days or a few month ago.
We'll keep you informed of any progress. Thank you.
12th Anniversary of TRIGLAV!

When I released this game, I was hoping this will be kept around 3 years. And then, I had a plan to start making our next game and release it 3 years after. However, currently, I'm keeping this game for 12 years and developing our next game for 5 years and still unfinished. Well, it is rare that everything goes as planned. I'm sitting here and just enjoying it.
- Limited Event:
- Bananas and any Splendid items will half-price sale during the end of this month.
Happy Holidays!
February 12 - February 28
- Limited Event:
- Monkeys in the tower seems want to eat something sweet. You have a chance to get special item from them while this event. In addition, a stranger is coming to stay at Gilbeez's house in the Grasslands.
Happy New Year 2014!
- Limited Event:
- Have a good new year's holiday! Let's find New Year's gift money (Otoshi-Dama) and Kagami-Mochi until the middle of this month.
Fixed the Game Speed
- Updated to game version 1.15. Fixed the general game speed on IE 9 or later. On that versions, movement speed of the player, creatures and missiles had been increased, and any tick damages gave more damages to the player. In addition, cooldown time of each Special Ability had been different. These things broke the game balance especially for new players of the game. Wipe out your browser cache before you play the game. Let us know if you find problems about this update at Support Forum. Thank you.
Happy Holidays!
Limited Event has began. It will stay untill the end of this month. Wipe out your browser cache before you play just one time.
- Limited Event:
- Jack the Pumpkin returns! He is coming back again for his revenge every year. Sometimes you can hear his howl from the Underworlds where is a basement area of the tower. Monkeys in the tower seems want to eat something sweet, and a stranger is coming to stay in Gilbeez's house at the Grasslands.
11th Anniversary of TRIGLAV!

Thank you so much for all you guys - who just started play the game recently, who are playing for a long time and have a bored with it, who comes once at a month and keeping your character regularly, and who returns after a few years and said wow it still exist! Obsession is only the friend for making and keeping games.
- Limited Event:
- Bananas and any Splendid items will half-price sale during the end of this month.
- TRIGLAV Available on IE 10
- Now TRIGLAV can play on Internet Explorer 10. On IE 10, you will get the character animation sync problem and the game speed issue as same as IE 8 and 9, but it even can be playable normally. This update has too many changed data, and wipe out your browser cache before you play the game. Let us know if you find any problems for this update to Support Forum. Thank you.
- General:
- Increased times of your character save data on Standard to about two month from a month. Learn more about this, go to see Game Mode, Save/Load in How to Play section.
Happy Holidays!
February 9 - February 28
- Limited Event:
- Monkeys in the tower seems to want to eat something sweet, and you may got a chance to a special item from them while this event. A stranger is coming to stay in Gilbeez's house at the Grasslands.
Happy Holidays!
Have a nice holiday and a good new year!
- Limited Event:
- The game is getting little updates for seasonal events that start from the end of this year. Hanging around the Evlen Village at the grasslands or any other floors to find something...strange. Have a good new year's holiday anyway!
Happy Holidays!
Limited Event has began. It will stay untill the end of this month. Wipe out your browser cache before you play just one time.
- Limited Event:
- Jack the Pumpkin returns! He is coming back again for his revenge every year. Sometimes you can hear his howl from the Underworlds where is a basement area of the tower. Monkeys in the tower seems want to eat something sweet, and a stranger is coming to stay in Gilbeez's house at the Grasslands.
- Creatures:
- Pumpkin Spawn detonate speed has been reduced a little bit.
Server Maintenance
Our server will be brought down for maintenance on 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM, July 3 (JST). During this time, our all web services including this game will be unavailable. Thank you.
10th Anniversary of TRIGLAV!

We have marked the 10th anniversary of TRIGLAV today! Game development is always hard. Learning several skills, writing tons of codes, making graphics, etc. But the most hardest thing is to keep a strong will to moving forward. Keep making, keep updating, and keep operating. We are honored to made this with many people's support. Thank you.
- Limited Event:
- Bananas and any Splendid items will half-price sale during the end of this month.
- Items:
- Added an item in the game.
Happy Holidays!
February 10 - February 29
- Limited Event:
- Monkeys in the tower seems to want to eat something sweet, and you may got a chance to a special item from them while this event. A stranger is coming to stay in Gilbeez's house at the Grasslands.
Happy Holidays!
Have a nice holiday and a good new year!
- Limited Event:
- The game is getting little updates for seasonal events that start from the end of this year. Hanging around the Evlen Village at the grasslands or any other floors to find something...strange. Have a good new year's holiday anyway!
Happy Holidays!
Limited Event has began. It will stay untill the end of this month. Wipe out your browser cache before you play just one time.
- Limited Event:
- Jack the Pumpkin return! He is coming back again for his revenge. Sometimes you can hear his howl from the Underworlds where is a basement area of the tower. Monkeys in the tower seems to want to eat something sweet.
Server Moving
We are going to move our server, and the game will be stopped while the maintenance. We will restart the game when the game has been moved safety. On a new server, our bullshit slow forum will get fast. Note that our couple of old email addresses will not be available. Using the support forum if you have problems, etc. Thank you.
9th Anniversary!
TRIGLAV 9th anniversary! Thank you for support this game such a loooong time. The number "9" has a special significance for our next game project, like as Triglav had many "3" things in the game. Although I don't want to make it for 9 years. Anyway, thank you for the playing.
- Limited Event:
- Bananas and any Splendid items will half-price sale during the end of this month.
- General:
- Now you can use the Item Storage box after you reached 10/F.
- Items:
- Fixed and rebalanced several item attributes.
A bizarre adventure of the eastern princess!
- You were a beautiful princess who lives in the East.
- One day, a fat wicked witch came and cursed you to change your personality when the sun goes down. During the day, you are a gentle princess, but at night, go on a rampage and even use terrible magic!
- You finally manage to defeat the wicked witch, but for heaven's sake! As she drew her last breath, she locked you in an ancient tower in far west. It is filled with chilling and terrifying creatures, and no one has ever returned alive.
- You, as the princess, must survive in this tower...
- One day, a fat wicked witch came and cursed you to change your personality when the sun goes down. During the day, you are a gentle princess, but at night, go on a rampage and even use terrible magic!
Happy Holidays!
February 11 - February 28
- Limited Event:
- Monkeys in the tower seems to want to eat something sweet, and you may got a chance to a special item from them while this event. A stranger is coming to stay in Gilbeez's house at the Grasslands.
Happy Holidays!
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!
- Limited Event:
- The game will get a little update for seasonal events that start from the end of this year. Walking around the Evlen Village at the grasslands or any other floors. Have a good new year's holidays.
Happy Holidays!
Limited Event has began. It will stay untill the end of this month. In addition, the game version has been updated to 1.14 for an IE8 problem. Wipe out your browser cache before you play just one time.
- Limited Event:
- Jack the Pumpkin return! He is coming back again for his revenge. Sometimes you can hear his howl from the Underworlds that's a basement area of the tower.
- General:
- Fixed a problem that game was getting slow on specific floors when you play with Internet Explorer 8. That's the case for 27/F "Return to Forever", 38/F "Miyako Arena", and "Elven Village".
- Items:
- Reduced buy value of Banana and any Splendid items. Reduced price of seller items selling on 41/F. Rebalanced item attributes of Dai-Teo-Aduun, Vapor, Star-Spangled Shield, Hands of Glory, Exile, Haunted Heart, Dark Side of the Moon, and Hyperon (Axe). There are permanent updates.
8th Anniversary!
TRIGLAV has made the 8th anniversary today. I think the 8 year old game is really outdated and my game support is always lack, but we almost have no chance to playing such old games now because currently many games changed to have short life-span. I would like to make a long-life game, again.
- Limited Event:
- Bananas and any Splendid items will half-price sale during the end of this month.
Dungeons and Goblins - TRIGLAV Spinoff Product
Triglav Tower with Fully 3D world! You take up sparkly powerful guns instead of your tired weapons and fight against mighty creatures in the tower. Using all new special skills and tons of hot rare items including cool guns, beat tough boss creatures playing with your friends on multi-play mode.
Dungeons and Goblins is the 1st content of Triglav Spin-off product. It will be a web game and you can play without downloading and installing the game. We have a plan to take over your save data to this game, however, your melee weapons will be changed to proper ranged weapons. The game will come by the first half of 2010. Don't miss it!
Happy Holidays!
February 11 - February 28
- Limited Event:
- Monkeys in the tower seems to want to eat something sweet, and you may got a chance to a special item from them while this event. A stranger is coming to stay in Gilbeez's house at the Grasslands.
Happy Holidays!
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!
- Limited Event:
- The game will get a little update for seasonal events that start from the end of this year. Walking around the Evlen Village at the grasslands or any other floors. Have a good new year's holidays.
- General:
- Added an Orge NPC who has a little quest in Elven Village at the Grasslands. This is an unlimited update and he will stay there all the while.
Happy Holidays / TRIGLAV has Made Over Half a Million Accounts
TRIGLAV has made over half a million accounts since launch, 2002. I think this is awesome because it's an indepedent game and never did any ads. Anyway, thank you to all players to playing this old, poor and boring game :P I'm going to try to make more better one next time. (Yeah, it will have sound and playable on any web browsers at least) Hope you wait for it with fun until it comes.
Limited Event has began. It will stay untill the end of this month. In addition, the game version has been updated to 1.13. Wipe out your browser cache before you play just one time. Thank you.
- Limited Event:
- Jack the Pumpkin return! He is coming back with new power for his revenge. Sometimes you can hear his howl from the Underworlds that's a basement area of the tower.
- General:
- Fixed an error display after you launched out the game soon on Internet Explorer 7 and 8. Now we are checking out game problems with IE8. Let us know on Support Forum if you have IE8 specific problems or errors. Thank you.
- Floors:
- 38/F Miyako now has a save/load point such as Grand Junction floors. Frenzy Puppet is no longer dropped from a static chest in 42/F.
- Items:
- Fixed and rebalanced several item attributes especially slightly reduced the "Hit Absorbs Vitality" values. Price increased a little for any Puppet class items and consumable items that you can buy from the shop. Reduced buy value and increased sell value for any Splendid items.
7th Anniversary and so on
TRIGLAV has made the 7th anniversary today. Nothing any updates, but I'm going to introduce our new game project instead of it. We have a game project called Project Kyrill for a long long time ago, and this is older than TRIGLAV project. It has been made for running as local application with real-time 3D in the beginning, and it needed high performance CPU and graphic card. Now we are working on this project again, and we found out some technologies for running this game on web browsers finally. I'm really happy to do developing it again because this project is our purpose and a lifework ever. We have only two man who has another jobs for this project, so I'm not sure how long this game comes so far. I'll continue announce about this again around SmokymonkeyS website, etc. Wait and see. Oh well, I forgot to say this line... Today is not April fool's day.
- Limited Event:
- Bananas and any Splendid items will half-price sale during the end of this month.
Finally the time has come... for TRIGLAV 2!
TRIGLAV will back as a new web browswer game... with tons of new features! Real-time full 3D engine running on a web browser, and new unique player character classes and special abilities will be waiting for your new adventure. The auction that will sharing with any other players, the mail it can be usable to send/receive items to other characters, the chat that can talk with a friend, and the sharing boss function that gives players to virtual group playing. We also have a plan to developing the game as playable in multi-player mode. The open beta test is coming soon. We will pick up some characters on the top 200 ranked of TRIGLAV for the test. Anyway, SmokymonkeyS is working on it at any cost right now. Don't miss it!
Happy Holidays!
February 10 - February 28
- Limited Event:
- Monkeys in the tower seems to want to eat something sweet... Any Splendid gears will half-price sale during the end of this month.
Happy Holidays!
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!
- Limited Event:
- The game will get a little update for some limited event start from the end of this year. Have a good new year's holidays.
Happy Holidays!
Limited Event has began. It will stay untill the end of this month. Also the game has been updated to version 1.12. Wipe out your browser cache before you play just one time.
- Limited Event:
- Jack the Pumpkin is searching the way to back to the world to wander around in the tower. This new feature will be installed in the game permanently after this limited event is done. You will be able to get the ticket from a couple of places always.
- Floors:
- Added the Item Storage box on floor 30. Fixed a bug that some creatures had repeatable respawn for floor 42 "Outbreak". Remove the chests that has joke items and splendid items from floor 47 "Ev'ry Time We Say Goodbye". Also fixed problems for couple of floors.
- Creatures:
- Added some new creatures. Changed a few creature attributes.
- Items:
- Greatly reduced the "Based on Exp" and "Based on Kills" required value for a lot of items. Slightly increased the composited rings and composited helms (e.g. UHA-UMA) attributes. Added some new items in the game. Changed and fixed some item attributes, etc.
6th Anniversary!
TRIGLAV has made the 6th anniversary today. Thank you for the all players of this game. I know the game that has been designed at 6 years ago is too old, too simple, also has an old-fashioned smell. So sometimes I have fantasies about a new game that will be running with a new web browser, a new computer, and new network connection. It must be more powerful and more multiple. Well, just my opinion though. The game has also been updated to version 1.11 today.
- Limited Event:
- Bananas and any Splendid items will half-price sale during the end of this month.
- Items:
- Increased the Basterd Swords' Attack Range to +12 from +10. Tower Shields now has -1 Walk Speed from -2. Changed some item attributes, etc.
- Creatures:
- Increased some creatures' Defense instead of reducing their Vitality. Increased a drop rate of the maximum number of the chest after you got all bosses at 49/F. Greatly increased a chance to get fight against Syen. Still he will drop any rare items but he sometimes drop any high quality non-rare items also. Added some new NPCs.
TRIGLAV has been updated to version 1.10. Fixed some problems when the game is running on IE7.0. Don't forget to delete your browser cache before playing.
- General:
- Player characters no longer freeze when you access to shop vendors or the storage box when the game is running on IE7.0. Changed a player ranking name to "Hunters Hall".
- Characters:
- Player characters no longer has gold with minus value. Player characters will be get full of Vitality whenever you login the game.
- Items:
- Fixed some item attributes and changed a couple of item attributes.
Happy Holidays!
February 11 - February 29
- Limited Event:
- Monkeys in the tower seems to want to eat something sweet.
- General:
- Banned some players who has impossible status or odd items. It will be banned or removed by administrator's judgement even if the character data is normal. Thanks for your understanding.
Happy Holidays!
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!
- Limited Event:
- The game will get a little update for some limited Event start from the end of this year.
Happy Holidays!
Jack O' Lantern on your head! Also the game has been updated to version 1.09. Don't forget to delete your browser cache before playing.
- Limited Event:
- Monkeys in the tower seems to want to eat something new.
- General:
- Player character no longer freeze after you take out an item from the chest box. Fixed a frame rate of the game when you are playing on Windows Vista. Fixed a textbox problem when you play the new game or when you load your charcter. However, the game still has a few problems on this OS or IE7, so we'll try to fix it later.
- Floors:
- No longer disappears chest boxes dropped from creatures at 38/F Miyako Arena.
- Items:
- Added 1 new rare item in the game. Increased the item drop rating at any floors that includes Artifact items.
5th Anniversary!
TRIGLAV has reached to the 5th anniversary today! Thank you for all players who are playing this game for a long time, or just started. I know some suggestions posted at forum, but I don't have the time for working right now, so I will only put an instant event on the game. I'll try to update items when I get the time. Thank you anyway!
- Limited Event:
- Banana and any Splendid items will half-price sale during the end of this month.
TRIGLAV Version 1.08 now live. This is a minor update including bug fixing and changing item attributes. Clear your browser cache before playing.
- General:
- Damage Reflection with the effect of Dexterity now works properly, and any item attributes with Damage Reflection have been changed.
- Fixed a bug where you couldn't add your character to the ranking table when you died on Standard.
- Floors:
- Added some new NPCs for Standard. You will find NPCs who are helpful when you play Standard only.
- Items:
- Added three new rare items in the game. Changed the sell value for Demon Eyes and a couple of quest items. Added some items for selling. Added a new trophy item for Standard. Changed a couple of item attributes.
Forum update. I also have a plan to update game on near future including some minor changes and adding a few new items.
- Forum:
- For forum spams, you will not be able to post your comment without character portrait. Please check out your character portrait before you post the comment.
Happy New Year!
Happy Holidays and Have a Good Year!
- Limited Event:
- Temporary added two traditional items for current season.
Happy Holidays!
Jack O' Lantern on your pumpkin head. Don't forget to delete your browser cache before playing.
- Limited Event:
- Banana half-price sale during a half month.
4th Anniversary!
TRIGLAV marks the 4th anniversary today! You should look for another game instead of this old game one of these days :-P Anyway, thank you for playing this game and celebrating this anniversary. To mark the occasion, I have added a new static feature and a few minor updates in the game. Don't forget to delete your browser cache before playing.
- New Optional Quest:
- Added one new optional quest with a new creature, a new item, etc. called "In the Name of God". It's not a limited quest, so you can play by your own pace. Also update includes changing a few items, re-writing some item dropping lists, etc.
TRIGLAV Version 1.06 is now available really. This is a minor update that including changing the item and creature attributes. Don't forget to delete your browser cache before playing.
- General:
- When you have reached the Triglav Tower perfectly, you will get a trophy. If you already have a character for it, you will find it on the final floor. Note that trophy is NOT an item with special abilities. It's just a "trophy". So you don't need it for playing this game.
- Characters:
- Increased the Axemaster's normal Attack Range to 38 from 34.
- Floors, Creatures:
- Creatures of some floors will be changed against your status such as 11/F. Reduced some high floors difficulties. Changed some creature attributes.
- Items:
- Added one new rare item. Changed some similar item attributes. Increased some normal item attributes. Changed and fixed many item attributes. Increased the general item dropping rate.
New World Comes with Version 1.06!
TRIGLAV Version 1.06 will come very soon with some new features! Time to start your new adventure when the ancient door opens (Yes, that door you know well). You will find new world maps, new creatures, and new items there. Well, I have put 3 new screenshots here. Enjoy it until version 1.06 game will come!
Currently the game server is very slow because a lot of people are accessing this website at one time. If you got any problems or errors in the game, please wait until the server gets back to normal. Now I'm working to solve this problem by optimizing any game logs, etc. Thanks for your patience.
Happy Holidays!
Merry christmas and happy new year from Triglav! Thank you for playing and enjoying the game and hope meet you again on next year!
- Limited Event:
- You can get a chance to find Banana 3 times compared with normal days.
TRIGLAV Version 1.05 is now available. This is a minor update that including fixed and changed item attributes, and the Halloween party for limited time! Don't forget to delete your browser cache before playing.
- Limited Event:
- Have you seen Jack O' Lantern? All Splendid items you can buy at Grasslands half-price sale during the half month.
- Characters:
- Increased Swordmaster's Special Ability range to 400% from 350%. Reduced Daggermaster's Special Ability damage to 200% from 250%, and increased the Special Ability range to 200% from 150%.
- Creatures:
- Added a new creature. You can find him after you reached something. Changed some creature attributes.
- Items:
- Increased the items with Damage Reflection attributes. Changed and fixed some item attributes.
I have started to Expand Storage Slots service for the oversea users. This service can add your Storage slots. You will be able to use storage for maximum 30 slots. To get this service, you need Paypal account. To learn more about the service, go to the Optional Services section in How to Play. Any Splendid items will not be put in the Storage. See an Item Storage Section for more details.
I have added a "Spanish" category in the Forum.
3rd Anniversary!
TRIGLAV got the 3rd anniversary at June 12! Thank you for the people who are giving to us a motivation by playing the game. Lately game server is so slow for unknown reason. If you got freeze or any other problem with it, please wait for it. Thank you for the patience.
- 3rd Anniversary Event:
- Banana half-price sale by end of this month. Get it!
- Items:
- Reduced some item attributes based on Exp/Kills. Changed/Fixed some item attributes.
TRIGLAV Version 1.03 is now available. This is a minor update that including fixed and changed item attributes, and fixed some minor bugs. Also, added a new category in Forum.
- General:
- Added a "Checking Stats/Small-Talk" category in Forum. Using for checking stats of your character, and talk about anything and everything in this section.
- Floors, Creatures:
- Reduced a difficulty of floor 42 (spawn area). Reduced a difficulty of some boss creatures on higher floors (includes floor 49 bosses).
- Items:
- Changed the attributes of some items especially "anyone not using" items. Increased the item dropping rate at any floors. Added one new Monkey Series item. Fixed the errors of some items.
I have updated "Normal Creatures" and "Boss Creatures" section in Library. Check it out if you want to know how strong new creatures are. To Hotmail users; I can receive your email from Hotmail, but I cannot send my email to Hotmail. I think my email address was added as spam mail on Hotmail server. In fact I have received many emails with my false address by my self. If you use Hotmail and you need to send an email to me, you will not be able to receive my reply. Please change your email address if possible. Thank you.
TRIGLAV Version 1.02 is now available. Don't forget to delete your browser cache before playing. Well, I have found a few players who did cheating and duping in the game. Even if the character data is normal, it will be removed or kicked by administrator's judgement. Thanks for your understanding.
- General:
- Fixed a code of Storage function. But I think that is not perfect yet.
- Creatures:
- Changed some creature AIs that include melee/ranged attacks both.
- Items:
- Now you can find Soul Flames easily by defeating a specific creature. The creature might have the appearance like Soul Flame.
TRIGLAV Version 1.01 is now available. This is a minor update that includes changing CGI code. I also uploaded new weapons and armors on Library section.
- General:
- Optimized all CGI code and reduced server stress when many players access at a time in the game. If you have lost some items for Storage function, read the Storage section in How to Play once again. Item disappearance problem will remain after this update yet, but if you use Storage more carefully, it will work fine.
- Creatures:
- Reduced a Hell Diver's attack range. Reduced a Ogre Berserker's attack damage but increased their vitality instead of it. Reduced a Dark Elf's dexterity. Degenerated a Warlock's cast speed.
- Floors:
- Changed the some Puppet items that can be bought from vendors. Increased a chance to get Potions and Soul Flames. Reduced a difficulty of floor 42 (spawning zone of north area).
- Items:
- Changed some item attributes and value. Increased a chance to get higher items.
Dress Up Your Character!
TRIGLAV Version 1.10 is now available. In this version, you will be able to dress up your character wearing by your items. Grab the cool-looking items and enjoy to playing now! Delete your browser cache before you play this version. You don't need to delete Cookie files. Enjoy!
All floors available now. This is the final major update, and many codes have been changed. Delete your browser cache before you play the new game with your character. If you don't, your character's items might be lost. Beware, we will NOT support about it. We recommend read again How to Play section before you play the game.
- General:
- The gates of 41 to 50 floors have been opened. The 50th floor is the top of tower. Also Grasslands has been full opened. Added the Item Storage function. Read the Storage section before using this function. In addition, character save system was changed. Please allow Cookie on your web browser. To learn more about it, see a System Requirements, and FAQ.
- Characters:
- Increased the numbers of Inventory to 10 from 8. Each player character will have same Special Ability Delay time, about 30 seconds. In addition, changed the Special Ability properties. See the Special Abilities section for more details. You can see your/other player's Special Ability Delay on Hunters Hall and Forum by clicking a portrait or name tag.
- Creatures:
- Added a new item dropping function based on creature races. To learn more about it, go Tips of Treasure Finding page in Library section. Added a random creature position function. This function will prevent a situation of the same creature at the same position in any floors. Changed/Added some creature AIs. Fixed an error fight against ranged attackers.
- Floors:
- Increased an item dropping at lower floors, especially 31 to 39 floors. Added a vendor in 35 floor. Fixed the difficulties/balances of some current floors. Added the Sign Boards in any floors.
- Items:
- Added the "Artifact" rare items and the Helm Class items. Item Classes section in How to Play for more details. Increased the attributes of composited rings (e.g. UHA-UMA). If you want to get it, you need to make it again from a pair of part. If you already have composited it, it will nothing to change. Changed some item brand names, attributes, and value. Especially reduced the "Based on Exp/Kills" requirements. In addition, added a Tips of Treasure Finding page in Library section. To learn more about item dropping, go check it out.
We have decided to add the item storage function on next update! Click to an icon to see a beta screenshot. But we have some problems for this function yet. Item copy, disappearance, dupe, etc. How long will the next update come? Please wait for a while for this new feature and other features.
I have added the number of completed floors on top of this page. When the number goes 100%, the new game will come. Well, the game will be changed/updated below:
- Future TRIGLAV (Version 1.00)
- Increase the numbers of Inventory to 10 from 8. / The 50th floor will become the top of tower. Also Grasslands will be full opened. / Add a new item dropping function based on creature races. / Some new creature AIs will be added. / Display the Special Ability Delay of each player on Hunters Hall and Forum. / Add the new item functions. / Many current item attributes will be changed.
New Forum available now. It has three threads, search function, user portrait expression. Also you can see player character attributes at the forum. To learn more about the forum, click a "Help" button on the forum page. Also I have updated a new screenshot on Gallery page.
TRIGLAV Version 0.566 now available. This is a minor update with changed system code, and if you already have a character in Standard, delete your browser cache before you play the game.
- General:
- Fixed a wrong character class problem that allowed to have two character class attributes. If the character data cannot be saved perfectly, game window will be closed automatically by system program. If you cannot play the game for it, report us with OS, web browser, and security softwares you use.
- Characters:
- Fixed a problem that allowed to continuous attacks of Special Abilities by right-clicking the mouse button when the Special Ability Delay attribute is zero. Increased the basic Walk Speed attributes of player characters and creatures. Added one new creature.
- Floors:
- Added one fixed place of getting a Soul Flame.
- Items:
- In many items, the required value of "Based on EXP." and "Based on Kills" attributes have been reduced. Added some items including two new rare items.
Renewed website design. If you got a language problem on it (If you can read this text in English, you have no problem), let us know. We have put banners for keeping our server and development. I have added or rewritten some info to any pages. Also the game changed below.
- General:
- Brightness of the game screen has become a bit high that is including player characters, creatures, maps, and items.
- Items:
- All Cursed Items has got their own graphics. Any item attributes has been changed.
2nd Anniversary!
2nd anniversary of TRIGLAV today. We have got 1,100 thousand visitors, 46,000 players in Standard, 110,000 total players in Standard. I know the players who are playing one character through two years. We are glad to be able to say this word again, thank you for playing for this indepedent, experimental and uncompleted game! We may slow, but we will not stop.
Added one more new small house in Grasslands. You will be able to put/take your items called Monkey Series in it. Also updated below.
- Floors:
- A new small house in Grasslands has been opened. It's a mini item storage such a thing.
- Creatures:
- Attack Range and Attack Speed of any creatures have been fixed on Pentium 4 or better CPUs.
- Items:
- Changed any item properties.
Long time not updated. Well, "Boss Creatures" section in Library has been updated. By the way, if you send me an email, write clear subject, also no attachment. I'm receiving many spam mails every day, and I won't see them. If you want to contact me certainly, please write in Support BBS.
This is a minor update. I'm going to add some new items and creatures soon if I get the time. Delete your browser cache before you play this game version if you already have a character. Also, Library section has been updated.
- General:
- Hunters Hall (players ranking) has got a new function. You can see the attributes of each player you click that player name. Note this function will be activated after the character already loaded/saved in this game version.
- Characters:
- Changed the Attack Speed indication (current -1 equal old +1).
- Floors:
- Small house in the Grasslands is now available. You will find the Goblin Wearing Banana at some floors when you filled something condition. You will be able to get special items only by Banana exchange.
- Creatures:
- Some creature attributes have been changed. Added a few new creatures. See the Library section for more detail.
- Items:
- Changed the many item properties especially low-level items. See the Library section for more detail. "Poriferaquilizar" will add +1 Defense to each player character class.
This version includes a critical bug fix. If you already have your character, delete your browser cache before you play the game.
- General:
- Fixed a bug that allowed players to take more than one potion at the place with 4 chests.
Library menu, the database of TRIGLAV world has been uploaded. Now you can see "Weapon Classes", "Armor Classes" and "Normal Creatures" section, and other sections will be uploaded when the work completed. Note that is page including spoiler alert. I don't mean to stop you from enjoying the game by yourself.
- General:
- Changed a witch on floor 30. Added "Cannot be Saved" text to any items. Changed an icon graphic of Dagger Class.
31 to 40 floors are now available. I'm working for the item storage/trading function yet, and it will be uploaded when the work finished. However, I don't yet know when it will come. Keep in mind, some new floors are designed with using storage function. You may feel bothersome thing if you play the game now. Don't forget remove your browser cache before you play the new game.
- General:
- Abilities of some creatures have been changed. Some old floors have been changed for the new floors.
- Items:
- Added two new item classes. See a Item Classes in How to Play for more detail. Increased an ability of the potion of Base Strength. Swordmaster: 3 / Axemaster: 4 / Daggermaster: 2. Also changed character's save data if your character already got it. Changed the Walk Speed indication (current +2 equal old +1). Potion will just regenerate 100 of your vitality. Any Enigmatic Puppets will not reduce player's vitality.
This is a minor update. New floors and creatures will not be added, but you will find some changes in the game. If you already have your character in the game, you must remove browser cache before you play the game. The next major update with new floors will come by August, I hope.
- General:
- CPU usage in the game will be reduced. CPU usage will be reduced to the creature using ranged attack. You can see your Kills when you will move your mouse over Special Ability icon.
- Characters:
- Added a motion of each character class when standing. Swordmaster's Attack Speed reduced by 1.
- Floors:
- Axemaster's Doppelganger will not use his Special Ability continuously. Abilities of many creatures and living area have been changed. Changed the treasure boxes in floor 19 and Floor B1. Added a treasure box with Puppet item in floor 23. Fixed the balance of some floors.
- Items:
- Added some new items. Changed the attributes and values of some old items.
1st Anniversary!
1st anniversary of TRIGLAV website and game. We have got 600 thousand visitors, 39000 players in Standard, 68000 total players in Standard, donations by 11 players, and 1200 spam mails by today. I want to say to you, thank you for playing for this experimental and uncompleted game! I have updated a new screenshot on Gallery page.
I have updated a new screenshot on Gallery page. About selling/buying items, the value will be changed until the new floors/functions comes.
This is a minor update. See below. Well, now I'm working for the expanded inventory that includes simple item trading function. I don't yet know when it will come because I have no time for the working, but I'm trying to update a more fun game.
- General:
- Now Hunters Hall can be viewed on the highest top 200 players.
- Characters:
- Increased walk speed of all character classes (includes any creatures). The Walk Speed of each character is: Swordmaster: 54 / Axemaster: 50 / Daggermaster: 58. Increased Axemaster's attack range to x2.0 from x1.5 when using Special Ability. Axemaster can be wielded a mantle class item.
- Items:
- Added the new item class called Mantle Class. Only Axemaster can be wielded. Learn more about Mantle Class items, check out Item Classes in How to play section.
This is a minor update. Many items have been changed more characteristically.
- Floors:
- A new vendor came to the floor 25. Decreased a difficulty of the first time of floor 27.
- Creatures, Traps:
- Changed the difficulties of any creatures. Changed the kinds of creatures in any floors.
- Items:
- Added the new items of Shield, Axe, Ring classes. Changed the item properties that have a Special Ability Delay function. Puppet of Chernobog will increase Attack Range, not Attack Speed. Many items that include the blue name have been changed more characteristically.
New two levels has been added in the Underworlds and the Grasslands. This level such as the bonus level, and you search around a way if you want to go. Also some new extra quests have been added in any floors. Try to find it. Don't forget remove your browser cache before you play this new game.
- General:
- Changed the starter Puppet item of each character class. You will get an item that can add bonus XP after you finished any quests. But if you already have characters that take over floor 30, you may not find that items.
- Characters:
- Changed a graphic when using Puppet Class item.
- Floors:
- Added an extra level in the Underworlds. Added a preview map called the Grasslands (it's uncomplete now). Added a NPC with new quest on floor 10. Added some NPCs on other floors.
- Creatures, Traps:
- Added some new creatures.
- Items:
- Selling rate has been changed to 1/6 from 1/5 of buying rate. Increased properties of rings that will be got from a jeweler. Added some new items with new properties.
The game got version 0.373. This is a minor update and I'm going to add a new floor in the Underworlds soon. Now I'm working on a new game system of TRIGLAV with multi-players game. I don't yet know when it will come, but it will become exciting thing. Version 0.373 is below:
- General:
- Elixir will increase variant vitality by each character class. Swordmaster +12 / Axemaster +15 / Daggermaster +10. If you have already used it, your character's vitality will be changed.
- Items:
- Main-Gauchu (Dagger Class) Defense increased to +2 from +1. All Puppet class item sell values reduced to 1/10 from 1/5 of buy values.
- Items from a Monkey:
- All monkeys in the tower will give to you more good items.
The game has been updated to version 0.372. This is also minor update and fixed some problems. Also I want to hear from players about next update that includes game balance, new system, idea, and suggestion. Please write about it in Players Forum if you have good idea. Thank you.
- General:
- Fixed a browser cache problem that could get same items over and over in same floor.
- Items:
- Increased attack damages of any Axe Class weapons. Increased properties of any Ring Classes.
I have uploaded a screenshot on Gallery page. This is the next game field called the Grasslands and now in the works. Also I have updated Features page. You can see the full status of each character class by moving mouse cursor on a character name. And more, current game version has been updated to 0.371. This is minor update and see below:
- Creatures, Traps:
- Increased XP of any creatures that includes boss creatures in 21 to 29 floors.
- Items:
- Any item properties that have Special Ability Deley have been changed.
TRIGLAV version 0.37 that include new 21 to 30 levels has been uploaded. This game version has many modification, and you must remove your browser cache before you play the game. At next update, we have a plan to sell TRIGLAV game engine. Well, don't forget you get Puppet. Have fun!
- General:
- Optimized game engine and enemies AI. When you start the new game, each character class has a Puppet item with no properties.
- Characters:
- Delay time of Daggermaster's Special Ability has been reduced to 25 sec. to 20 sec. When you play new/load game, all character classes can use Special Ability faster than old version.
- Floors:
- A NPC in floor 10 who can make rings changed his job. Also a new NPC in floor 15 will be carried on with his job.
- Items:
- Added some new items with new properties. Increased properties of rings that will be got from jeweler. Graphics of some items has been changed.
TRIGLAV version 0.274 has been uploaded. This game version has many modification, and you must remove your browser cache before you play the game. Well, but we are not yet finished our work about new 30 floors. We try to keep hard to work continuously.
- Characters:
- Special Ability now available. See a Features and How to Play pages. Increased walk speed of all character classes.
- Floors:
- Added a new boss creature in floor 2 and the Underworlds. Added a new NPC in floor 10. Mook the Miser who lives in the Underworlds drops a special item only one time.
- Creatures, Traps:
- Fixed a balance of creatures and traps. Added a few new creatures in any floors. Fixed a name of floor 16 boss.
- Items:
- Weapon Range has been changed to Attack Range. Saber attack range has been increased to 2 to 3. Spike Shield Defense has been reduced to 5 to 4. A few enchantments have been added for all Axe weapons. Added a new enchantment for items that called "Nosferatu". Added a few new items in the game. Any item functions have been changed.
Features and How to Play has been updated about Special Ability of each character class. This function will come at the next game version, and most of parameters of creatures and traps both will be changes.
3 screenshots with special ability of each character class have been uploaded in Gallery page. This abilities will be available in the next major update with new floors of the game. Keep looking out the floor number on top-left screen. When the number is set to 30, the new version game will come. Well, hrt, one of TRIGLAV player made website for the game called *TRIGLAVOLIC. Items info for TRIGLAV is here.
This is major update. You must remove your browser cache before you play the game if you already have your character. The game has changed below:
- General:
- Shop is available now. See a Buying and Selling in the How to Play if you want to know more. Fixed a problem that game screen is scrolled by the mouse wheel on Internet Explorer 5.5.
- Characters:
- Axemaster's Dexterity has been reduced by 5 to 4.
- Mosters, Traps:
- All fire trap damages have been reduced. Some creature parameters have been changed. Added one new creature.
- Items:
- Added the new properties to Armor, Sword, Axe, and Dagger classes. Added more damages to Axe class weapons. Added some new Rings and Puppet classes. The properties of Cursed Puppet and Enigmatic Puppet have been changed.
Some bugs and problems have been fixed. You must remove your browser cache before you play the game.
- Floors:
- Fixed an problem that is difficult to find Sign Board and Speach Window (ex. Goblin in floor 2). Fixed a key bug in floor 3. Added the new creature set in floor 12.
- Items:
- Fixed Puppet items bug that can be used for good. Fixed a bug that can be got a same item whenever you kill the boss creature.
Hunters Hall in Standard has been updated. It will display dead character names until three days. How long does it save a lost character data? See a Save/Load in How to Play .
- Known Bugs:
- When you create a character name, you must use upper case and lower case letters (A-Z), numbers (0-9), dash (-), and underscore (_) only. If not, your character name may be changed to "Unknown".
TRIGLAV has Launched!
TRIGLAV Standard / Standard is now available. This is the opened beta version yet, and if you got problems, bugs, and any other questions, contact us. We hope you like it, and looking forward to the future TRIGLAV. Don't forget, the game will be continued with you.
Save/Load, about character in the Standard game has been updated in How to Play page. Also Item Classes was updated about items it can not be saved. On next update I'll open the game with over 20 floors and Arcade/Standard. However, the game is half-baked now and I hope your patience for it. Anyway, the game will come soon.
TRIGLAV beta test has been ended today. We could get very important infos from this test. Thanks you for all beta testers, especially I should say thanks so much for Lezend, vOor, meineid, psycho, dkf, and takken. The opened game will come soon (I hope) with 20 floors, many items, new creatures, and an available shop. Hope you like it.
Beta Test TRIGLAV began. Thanks for the email for it. You can hear on Forum what people are saying about TRIGLAV. To see a Hunters Hall of beta testers, click Arcade button. Also Features has been updated about how many stages does TRIGLAV have, etc.
Please register and we will contact you regarding detail of helping beta test TRIGLAV. See a beta Test page. Also uploaded new Gallery.
Welcome to the TRIGLAV website, Role-Playing Game on web browser. We are going to update info for the game also future. This website is best viewed with Windows Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher, same as our game.