How to Play
Special Attack

- Special Attack
- Each character can use each Special Attack for combat. To use Special Attack, right-click the mouse button. After using, character can not be using it again for a while. When the Special Attack Panel is blinking, you can do attacking with Special Attack one time. After using, character can not be using it again until the panel will blink again.

- Swordmaster's Blast
- Creates an expanding circle that does damage. Blast has 150% damage of Swordmaster's attack damege, and 350% attack range. To use, right-click on any place on the game screen. After using, it can not be using again about 30 sec. without item effects.

- Axemaster's Rage
- A powerful attack that can use to one target. Rage has 300% damage of Axemaster's attack damege, and 150% attack range. To use, right-click on a target as normal attack. After using, it can not be using again about 30 sec. without item effects.

- Daggermaster's Double
- Summon a Daggermaster's mirror image anywhere. Double has 200% damage of Daggermaster's attack damege and 200% attack range. To use, right-click on a target place. After using, it can not be using again about 30 sec. without item effects.
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