2025-03-04 14:50:38 | CharlieX
▶ Japanese▶ English
Ninelives Soundtrack: Bandcamp
Jacob Lake, who has been composing music for our games, has released a soundtrack of music he composed for Ninelives, which has recently received a bit of renewed attention on the internet.
There are more than 50 songs on the album, some of which are also used in Triglav.
Actually, not all of these songs are used in the current release of the game. In addition, some songs not included in this soundtrack are also used. However, there is no doubt that this soundtrack represents the worldview shared by both Ninelives and Triglav.
You can listen to all the songs for free from here, and if you like any of them, please buy them.
Ninelives Soundtrack: Bandcamp

2002年 WebゲームTRIGLAV公開。総勢50万アカウントを超える長寿ゲーム。
2015年 3DRPG Ninelivesを開発。現在休止中ですがまだプレイはできます。
2018年 TRIGLAV モバイル版をリリース。100万ダウンロード達成。
2021年 作場知生氏と共同開発したガラージュ 完全版をリリース。
SmokymonkeyS is a two-man indie team by a programmer and a graphic designer, formed for creating games.
Our 1st game TRIGLAV, a web RPG made by JavaScript has obtained over half a million accounts since launched 2002.
2015, Ninelives suspended after the alpha phase, but still can play.
2018, releasing Triglav for Mobile. Reached 1 million download.
2021, releasing Garage: Bad Dream Adventure. Developed with Sakuba Tomomi.
Any Comment?
1645 Posts | Page 1/206
Ninelives is so cool, really beautiful work. I'd definitely buy your games if they were on steam. If ever you decide to work on Ninelives again you'd have much support.
игра ninelives кайф, я купил бы себе и пацанам если бы она была в стиме как сингл с опциональным мультаком как wayfinder
A friend off my just told me about the development of ninelives. I think the game looks beautiful and I will love it. I think I will play the recent version. :) Thank you for the work. <3
Just found your work through the video about "Nine Lives". #Modoki looks amazing. Incredibly atmospheric and a wonderful artstyle. I was immediatly interested. I hope you are still making games.
Just saw the video of nine lives on youtube where someone revised it, and I agree--the game looks so beautiful and I would love to play it. Hope it gets ported to Steam. The storylines are amazing and I am sure there is a market for it in the US.
I very much enjoy Triglav. The art style is very depressing yet soothing and so enjoyable. Thank you so much for sharing your vision with us.
Came to discover Triglav on mobile, found out you also had a browser version but unfortunately no updates for it.
Love the game a lot, it's simple to understand! I hope you could make Triglav for pc with future updates too ^^
Love the game a lot, it's simple to understand! I hope you could make Triglav for pc with future updates too ^^
I shall await news eagerly.
Also voicing my support for Triglav on pc/steam, and the hope that one day Ninelives may be revived :)
Also voicing my support for Triglav on pc/steam, and the hope that one day Ninelives may be revived :)