2014-02-14 02:28:39 | CharlieX

  • Stoneskin 強靭な防御力と耐性を持つが、動きが鈍くなる
  • Blood 物理攻撃を当てるたびにターゲットからHealthを吸い取る
  • Immortal HealthとManaの回復率が上昇する
  • Cruel 攻撃力やCritダメージが強化されるが、攻撃速度自体が鈍くなる
  • Agile すばやさが上昇するが、Healthが減少する
  • Runic Manaが上昇し、詠唱速度も上がるが、防御力が低下する

A creature may be turned "Elite" creature. The elite creature has 6 unique abilities in total so far and they will be one of them randomly. To see a symbol below of the elite creature, you can know what type elite is.
  • Stoneskin Increases defense and resistance but reduces movement speed.
  • Blood Leeching Health from attacker by dealing physical attack.
  • Immortal Increases regenerating speed of Health and Mana.
  • Cruel Increases damage and Crit damage but reduces attack speed.
  • Agile Increases attack/movement speed but reduces Health.
  • Runic Increases Mana and casting speed but reduces defense.

It still needs more testing and polishing though, note that abilities does not designed to spoil each creature personality. We hope this system shows up each creature personality and brings various combat experiences.


SmokymonkeySとは、2名からなるインディチームです。 ゲームやその他作品を無所属で個人開発しています。
2002年 WebゲームTRIGLAVを公開。総勢50万アカウントを超える長寿ゲーム。
2015年 3DアクションRPG Ninelivesを開発。現在休止中。
2018年 TRIGLAV モバイル版をリリース。70万ダウンロード達成。
2021年 作場知生氏と共同開発したガラージュ 完全版をリリース。

SmokymonkeyS is a two-man indie team by a programmer and a graphic designer, formed for creating games.
Our 1st game TRIGLAV, a web RPG that has been made with JavaScript has passed over half a million accounts since launched 2002.
2015, Ninelives suspended the development after the alpha phase.
2018, released Triglav for Mobile. Reached 700 thousand download.
2021, released Garage: Bad Dream Adventure. Developed with Sakuba Tomomi.


Any Comment?

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Could you join Triglav Discord and send me a direct message?
No matter what I do, the game doesn't show me any events. Internet connection is working and I am a legit user. So it seems my device is somehow blocked, but why.
Thanks. I'm considering it properly.
Some guy asked to realease the triglav on steam. I want to tell that i support this idea too. Since I am a huge fan of your work and i am following since last 7 years you have a huge potential guys. WE ARE SUPPORTING YOU!.
Please Release TRIGLAV on Steam!
Come to join our Discord and direct message me.