2025-03-04 14:50:38 | CharlieX
▶ Japanese▶ English
Ninelives Soundtrack: Bandcamp
Jacob Lake, who has been composing music for our games, has released a soundtrack of music he composed for Ninelives, which has recently received a bit of renewed attention on the internet.
There are more than 50 songs on the album, some of which are also used in Triglav.
Actually, not all of these songs are used in the current release of the game. In addition, some songs not included in this soundtrack are also used. However, there is no doubt that this soundtrack represents the worldview shared by both Ninelives and Triglav.
You can listen to all the songs for free from here, and if you like any of them, please buy them.
Ninelives Soundtrack: Bandcamp
2024-06-13 13:43:33 | CharlieX

▶ Japanese▶ English
Triglav passed the 22nd anniversary today.
22 years ago, some of you were not yet born. Very well, wish I could be like you.
Anyway, update the game until the end of this month to get 150 free Scarab Gems.
Thank you to all the players who play this game!
2024-03-25 00:04:55 | SmokymonkeyS

▶ Japanese▶ English
これまでにいくつかのゲーム開発会社からガラージュ移植のオファーがきていても実現しなかったのには理由があります。このゲームを開発していたころの開発チームやスタッフはすでに散開しており、作場氏が所有するマスターデータ以外のもの ― 3Dキャラクターや背景、動画、ソースコードなどのデータはすべて入手不可能となってしまっていました。
I wrote a small article about the Garage on this website several decade ago, which created an opportunity for SmokymonkeyS and Sakuba Tomomi to meet. I was surprised when he called me one day and told to come visit his house.
After that, we kept to have a strange relationship, like friends or not, and I never really thought that we would start a project together like this.
However, a Japanese YouTuber attracted a lot of attention when he played Garage a few years ago, and then, when I saw Sakuba working to make more people aware of the "already lost game" Garage, wondered if I could somehow revive it, which led to this remastering project.
For various reasons, only a very small number of the original version of Garage were distributed in only Japanese market, and the CD-ROM is still sold for expensive price in the net auction, etc. I have never liked the situation where the sale is not returned to Sakuba at all, and is traded as a "rarity" without the package being opened or played.
Game is a work that needs to be played by people, and a stuff with an expensive price tag that no one can play has no value. That's why I started thinking about porting Garage to platforms where anyone can play it.
The road to porting was not an easy one, as Sakuba himself said at the beginning, "It would be impossible."
There is a reason why Sakuba had received offers from several game development companies to port Garage, but it never came to fruition. The original development team and staff had already disbanded, and everything other than the master data of the game owned by Sakuba - every 3D models, movies, the source code, etc. - were no longer available.
SmokymonkeyS' first task was to determine how much of this lost data could be salvaged from the original CD-ROM and other sources that were still in existence. Fortunately, we were able to retrieve the movie data that most concerned about, and we decided to officially begin the project. This was just before the Covid 19 epidemic began to spread in Japan.
When the remastering, Sakuba gave one condition. He wanted to add a continuation part to the story without completing the original story. He said if this could not be achieved, he does not want to remake it.
Due to various limitations on the original Garage, it was not possible to include everything that Sakuba wanted to include in the game. He wanted to at least finish the story the way it should have been finished.
The first thing SmokymonkeyS did was to bring the original Garage CD-ROM and play it from the beginning. Since the source code for the game had already been lost, the only way to know how the game was made was from the outside. In other words, just like "ear copy" in music, I had to play the original version over and over again to learn how it was made, and how it should be changed, then rebuilt the game from scratch.
After two full years of work by three, the "complete version" was born.
As the result, I believe that the first collaboration between SmokymonkeyS and Sakuba went well.
I think the main reason for this is that we had already made a relationship over the years where we could express our opinions to each other without hesitation,
Anyway, all of Garage's works were created by Sakuba. We SmokymonkeyS was just a little help in bringing Garage back into the world. I am honored to be involved in this work.
On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Garage: Bad Dream Adventure.
2023-10-06 19:48:28 | SmokymonkeyS

▶ Japanese▶ English
ゲーム自身もプレイヤーたちの影響をたくさん受けています。 公開後のこのゲームの方向性は、ほとんどプレイヤーたちによってつくられたと言っても過言ではありません。できることの少ない制限された世界でありながら、熱心なプレイヤーたちが作者が思いもつかなかったことをつくり出すのが面白くて、それに応じている間にゲームがどんどん変わっていきました。 はじめ作者は「おれが意図して設計したこの世界でプレイヤーを楽しませよう」と思ってゲームを公開したのに、今では「この材料を放り込むとプレイヤーたちが何をつくり出すのか見てみたい」と思って更新している始末です。
せいぜい見えているのは入口の先までで、これを変えるとどうなるか知りたい、これを加えてみたら上手く行くかな、という期待と楽しみともにつくっていたりします。 この点に限ると、実のところ作者もプレイヤーもあんまり立ち位置は変わらないんじゃないかと思います。
Five years after its release, the total number of downloads of the mobile version of Triglav has reached one million. It's not only the power of the game itself that has enabled reach this place. The game's position is very niche, and the playing style has not changed since its initial release. You have probably had the experience of recommending this game to your friends, but no one plays it. Probably your friend couldn't get What is the fun in this game. It happens often.
To broadcast many people to know how to play the game, many players created game guides and database-like websites. These are like travel guidebooks to unknown places. They are still helping many adventurers who entered the towers without knowing what to expect. Very grateful for that.
Another has set up a forum to ask questions, brag the items, and complain against the monkeys. The forum now has over 6,000 players from all over the world and is self-managed by a team of veteran players. The friendly atmosphere that exists throughout this forum is definitely a result of their efforts. Very grateful for that.
The game itself has been influenced a lot by the players too. It's not too much to say that the direction of the game after its release was mostly created by the players. It was interesting to see how the players came up with ideas that the developer had never thought of, even in such a restricted world with few possibilities. At first, I released this game thinking, "Let's entertain the players in this world that I designed with the best of intentions," but now I update the game thinking, "Want to see what the players will create if I throw in such materials."
Just because I am the developer of the game doesn't mean that I understand or can see everything about the game I am creating. At best, I can see only the entrance and the road leading to it. I make games with the expectation and fun that I will dive deeper and deeper into the game and see what happens when find something. In this respect, I think the position of the developer and the players are not really different.
I hope that I can continue to create games that will walk with the players in the future.
Thank you for your playing.
2023-06-12 11:14:37 | CharlieX

▶ Japanese▶ English
よいゲームというのは、ゲーム世界という限られた箱庭の中でいろいろな遊びかたを受け入れられるゲームのことだと思っています。 このゲームもできることが少ない世界ながら、それを目指して長いこと変更や更新を続けてきました。
長く遊んでいる人はとうにご存知かと思いますが、このゲームは数え切れないほど何度も何度もクリーチャーやアイテムの性能をいじり倒しています。 これを一言でいうと「ゲームバランスを取る」となるのでしょうが、じゃあこの「バランス」ってなんでしょう?
このゲームにとってのバランスとは、同じルールやリソースが適用された世界の中で、ゲームが上手い人でも下手な人でも、遊びかたや好みが違う人でも、 それぞれがさまざまに異なる方法を用いて、それでも最終的には同じくらいの強度と深さでゲームを楽しめること。やりたいことはこれだけです。
同じゲームをプレイしているにもかかわらず、ふとしたきっかけで、役に立たないゴミだと思っていたものが突然宝物に変わるとか、 見つけたアイテムひとつで今まで見えなかった景色が見えてくるとか、以前まで苦手だった敵が得意になり、代わりに今まで雑魚だと思っていた敵がキツくなるとか、 これしか方法がないと思っていたら他にもあったとか、そういう「発見」がたくさんある世界をつくりたいのです。 そのための選択肢をたくさんつくりたいのです。
I believe that a good game is one that allows the players to play in the way they imagine within the limited box.
This game, too, is a small world where there is really not much you can do, but we have been updating the game for a long time to achieve that goal.
As those who have been playing for a long time know, I have tweaked the performance of creatures and items over and over again more times than we can count. In a word, this would be "balancing the game," but then what is this "balance"?
For this game, balance means that everyone can enjoy the game to the same depth, whether they are good at the game or not, using completely different ways in a world where the same rules and resources apply. That is all I want to do.
I want to create a world where there are many "discoveries," such as when something you thought was trash becomes a treasure, or when a single item changes your worldview, or when an unfavorable enemy changes by a situation or a build, or when you thought this was the only way, but now you find something else, etc. I want to create a world where there are many options for it.
Even in a simple game, where you fight enemies, find items, and go up a tower, you can find more "discoveries" than you might think.
Thanks to all the different people who have played this game over the past 21 years.

2002年 WebゲームTRIGLAV公開。総勢50万アカウントを超える長寿ゲーム。
2015年 3DRPG Ninelivesを開発。現在休止中ですがまだプレイはできます。
2018年 TRIGLAV モバイル版をリリース。100万ダウンロード達成。
2021年 作場知生氏と共同開発したガラージュ 完全版をリリース。
SmokymonkeyS is a two-man indie team by a programmer and a graphic designer, formed for creating games.
Our 1st game TRIGLAV, a web RPG made by JavaScript has obtained over half a million accounts since launched 2002.
2015, Ninelives suspended after the alpha phase, but still can play.
2018, releasing Triglav for Mobile. Reached 1 million download.
2021, releasing Garage: Bad Dream Adventure. Developed with Sakuba Tomomi.
Any Comment?
1645 Posts | Page 1/206
Ninelives is so cool, really beautiful work. I'd definitely buy your games if they were on steam. If ever you decide to work on Ninelives again you'd have much support.
игра ninelives кайф, я купил бы себе и пацанам если бы она была в стиме как сингл с опциональным мультаком как wayfinder
A friend off my just told me about the development of ninelives. I think the game looks beautiful and I will love it. I think I will play the recent version. :) Thank you for the work. <3
Just found your work through the video about "Nine Lives". #Modoki looks amazing. Incredibly atmospheric and a wonderful artstyle. I was immediatly interested. I hope you are still making games.
Just saw the video of nine lives on youtube where someone revised it, and I agree--the game looks so beautiful and I would love to play it. Hope it gets ported to Steam. The storylines are amazing and I am sure there is a market for it in the US.
I very much enjoy Triglav. The art style is very depressing yet soothing and so enjoyable. Thank you so much for sharing your vision with us.
Came to discover Triglav on mobile, found out you also had a browser version but unfortunately no updates for it.
Love the game a lot, it's simple to understand! I hope you could make Triglav for pc with future updates too ^^
Love the game a lot, it's simple to understand! I hope you could make Triglav for pc with future updates too ^^
I shall await news eagerly.
Also voicing my support for Triglav on pc/steam, and the hope that one day Ninelives may be revived :)
Also voicing my support for Triglav on pc/steam, and the hope that one day Ninelives may be revived :)